

Saturday 9 November 2024
10am - 3pm

Thank you to our Fete Committee, Stall Coordinators, Volunteers, Community Groups, Sponsorsparishioners, families, neighbours and friends for joining in and celebrating our wonderful fete.

Link to St Thomas Apostle Fete Facebook page


The fun includes:

Rides and Synergy

School choir

Face Painting and Tattoos

Prizes on the chocolate wheel, pick-a-prize & tombola

Lucky door prize entry
for all
St Thomas the Apostle Students
to win a Flat Screen TV


Showbags and Tombola

Cakes and coffee

Books and Craft


.....and much more


2023 Fete Committee



Fete Coordinators

Tia Giacomin, Susan Chant
Deb Poulton, Elizabeth Wilson

School Liaison

Luke Mooney and Susan Chant


Melissa Fotu


Deb Poulton

Sponsorship Coordinators

Vicki & Nigel Pearman

Stall and Volunteer Coordinator

Erin Maher

Ticketing and Finance

Elizabeth Wilson

Entertainment Coordinator

Sandy Moore

Raffle & Auction Coordinator

Ana  Stewart

Publicity/Social Media Officer

Tamara Linderman

Committee Members

All welcome from School and Parish

COVID safe operator


Pick a Prize coordinator

Elizabeth Wilson

Pick a Prize Terms & Conditions

2023 St Thomas The Apostle Fete

Pick a Prize Raffle - Terms & Conditions

Permit number  # ACT R 22/00197                

  • Tickets are $10 each and consist of a sheet of 20 identical unique numbers.
  • Sheets are numbered from 1 to 2500.
  • The sheets are perforated, and the twenty tickets are able to be separated into 20 separate tickets.
  • The 20 separated tickets are to be placed in one or more of the ten pick a prize ticket boxes.
  • Each ticket box is for a designated prize.
  • The prizes will be drawn on Saturday12 November 2022 at 2:30pm at the St Thomas the Apostle Fete located in the grounds of the St Thomas the Apostle Primary School & Catholic Church located at 37 Boddington Cct Kambah ACT 2902.
  • Winners will be notified by phone or in person on the day.
  • Winners details will also be published on the fete website and the parish website www.sttap.act.edu.au/fete and http://cg.org.au/kambah/home.aspx
  • Prizes that remain unclaimed after 30 days will be redrawn at St Thomas the Apostle Primary School by the fete coordinators on Friday 16 December 2023 at 2:30pm
  • Proceeds from the raffle will go into the fete bank account and together with the net proceeds of the fete will be shared equally between St Thomas the Apostle Primary School and the parish of St Thomas the apostle Catholic Church.
  • Promoter for this event is the Catholic Parish of St Thomas the Apostle Kambah ABN: 68 1550 14366

A special welcome to all Community Groups who host a stall or entertain us at the Fete.